Monday, September 28, 2015

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 09:14 PM PDT

RESOLUTION No. 1: Payment of Gratuity to NPS Beneficiaries, RESOLUTION No. 2: Minimum Guaranteed Benefits under NPS and RESOLUTION No. 3: One time relaxation & removal of ceiling for Compassionate Appointment
RESOLUTION No. 1: Payment of Gratuity to NPS Beneficiaries
In spite of our strong opposition, the Government has made the New Pension Scheme applicable to all recruits after 01-01-2004. While continuing our opposition to the scheme, BPMS have given several inputs from time to time to ensure that maximum benefit be given to the employees.

As a part of this, the entire bye-laws and other issues pertaining to the formulation of the New Defined Contribution Pension System (popularly known as the NPS) was studies and it was found that as per clarification issued by the Ministry of Finance (Department of Economic Affairs) the NPS is a replacement for only Pension, and thus, other benefits provided to employees like Gratuity remains constant i.e. the employees enrolled under NPS are also eligible for Gratuity as per provision of extant law.

After vigorously pursuing the issue, the Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare had issued O.M. No. 38/41/06/P&PW (A) DT. 05-05-2009, with the approval of Cabinet to provide for Invalid Pension, Family Pension, Disability Pension, Extra-Ordinary Family Pension, Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity in respect of NPS subscribers on provisional basis. 

Consequent thereof, BPMS has been consistently demanding that this “Provisional” basis be converted into a PERMANENT BASIS feature of the NPS. The Government has, now vide DC. No. 1(4)/E-2006 DT. 17-08-2015 of JS (Pers) of the Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) circulated a note proposing that the budget for the payment of gratuity be projected from the office of the Controller General of Accounts.

Subsequently, the issue has been earmarked to various Ministries, who in turn have further asked comments from various channels.

The federation having taken stock of the present situation feels that asking comments etc. is not required on a Policy decision and demands that the feature of payment of Gratuity to all NPS subscribers upon Retirement or Death, be made a Permanent feature, without further loss of time.

This resolution is therefore, unanimously adopted at the Central Executive Committee Meeting of the Federation on September 08th, 2015.
RESOLUTION No. 2: Minimum Guaranteed Benefits under NPS
In spite of our strong opposition, the Government has made the New Pension Scheme applicable to all recruits after 01-01-2004. While continuing our opposition to the scheme, BPMS have given several inputs from time to time to ensure that maximum benefit be given to the employees.
Even after a lapse of more than 10 years since the arbitrary implementation of the scheme, the Government has failed to formulate a policy ensuring “Guaranteed Minimum Pension” to the subscribers of the NPS.
Having examine the issue in detailed, BPMS now demands that without any further waste of time, the Government should frame a policy to ensure that irrespective of the financial/market conditions at the time of Retirement and/or Death of the NPS subscriber, he should get a minimum guaranteed pension equivalent to FIFTY PERCENT of his last drawn Basic Pay plus dearness relief for neutralization of price rise.
This Central Executive Committee Meeting of the Federation held at Hyderabad, on September 08th, 2015, hereby RESOLVES, to call upon the Government to frame a policy to ensure that the NPS subscribers receive a minimum guaranteed pension equivalent to FIFTY PERCENT of his last drawn Basic Pay plus dearness relief thereupon at par with Central Government Employees/Pensioners.
RESOLUTION No. 3: One time relaxation & removal of ceiling for Compassionate Appointment
The Government has imposed an arbitrary limit of 5% only for filling up of vacancies on compassionate grounds, subject to several conditions. As a result of this decision, many families are living in distress and the very concept of helping the families of those employees who die in harness, stands defeated due to imposition of this ceiling.
The Federation has been taking up the issue at all levels to relax the ceiling to enable the deserving candidate get employment and thereby provide help to the families of the deceased. Having examine the issue in detailed, BPMS now demands that without any further waste of time, the Government should frame a policy to ensure that as a onetime measure, all existing cases of compassionate appoints are provided suitable employment assistance immediately.
This Central Executive Committee Meeting of the Federation held at Hyderabad, on September 08th , 2015, hereby RESOLVES, to call upon the Government to frame a policy to ensure that one time measure, all existing cases of compassionate appoints are provided suitable employment assistance immediately and to further scrap the artificial ceiling of 5% with immediate effect.

(An All India Federation of Defence Workers)
(An Industrial Unit of B.M.S.)
(Recognized by Govt of India, Min of Defence)
Central Office: 2A, NaVin Market, Kanpur - 208001

Dated: 21.09.2015
The Secretary,
Govt. of India, Min of Defence,
South Block, DHQ PO,
New Delhi - 110011
Subject: Resolutions adopted in the Central Executive Committee meeting of BPMS.
Respected Sir,

With due regards, it is submitted for your kind information that the Central Executive Committee meeting of this federation has held on 08th & 09”" Sep. 2015 at Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Complex, DRDO Township, Kanchanbagh, Hyderabad and 03 Resolutions have been unanimously adopted by the CEO of the federation & the same are enclosed herewith for your kind consideration and further necessary action please.

This federation is in full hope to get favourable consideration in this regard.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Sincerely yours
Enclosed: As menti

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Re: [BPS1955] Full Pension to Pre 2006 Pensioners with less than 33 years but more than 20 years service: Supreme Court dismisses UOI Review Petition
• chandramowli m Today at 8:46 PM
To -
CC  - Chandramowli Mullapudi

Dear NSG Garu.
ThanQ very much for ur clarity. I fully concur with u excepting in one point below at Sl.No.6 dealing with Annexure attached to MOF OM dt.28.1.2013.
In this annexure the scales of pay drawn by Pensioners in 4th CPC were not correctly projected in the annexure. More over this Annexure do not also stand legal scrutiny. For instance, Scale No.14 of 5th CPC 7500-1200 is related to PSS Group B Officers.  The PSS Group B officers of 4th CPC scale are bracketed against Scale No.12 which was drawn by their subordinates.  How can this Modified Parity atleast is construed to be Perfect. Nobody have gone into this aspect carefully into account. There are some mistakes in HSG(T/S)  & HSG-1 cases also including JAG. Kindly ponder over.
with regards,

Chandramowli Mullapudi
Secretary, POPA & BPS

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Payment of arrears of pension to pre 2006 pensioners

PHONES:26174596 - 261744561- 26174438
New DELHI-110066
CPAO/Tech/Revision (Pre-2006) /2015-16/1016-1086 08.09.2015
Office Memorandum
Subject:- Payment of arrears of pensions to pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006 - Instruction Manual-regarding.
See also: E-Revision utility for revision of Pension of Pre-2006 Pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006 will available within this week
Based on the DP&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated-30.07.2015 a decision of issuing digitally signed consolidated amendment authority for such cases which have already been
revised w.e.f. 24.09.2012 whose requisite details are available with CPAO in batches having name of pensioner, PPO number, bank account number, No. & date of last SSA issued as per DP & PW OM dated-28.01.2013 along with certain instructions was conveyed by CPAO’s OM No. CPAO/Tech/Revision (Pre-2006)/20154-16/941-1011 dated 04.09.2015. In this context, while downloading the combined authority issued by CPAO electronically following steps may be taken:-
1. Enter URL: in your browser.
2. Login in with your Username and Password (Same as used in scroll). 3. Click on e-PPO Icon.
4. Click on Signed Files Tab from the Menu.
5. Download PDF File from SIGNED FILES Section for your review.

The CPPCs are requested to process the file and make the arrear payment to the pensioners/family pensioners at the earliest (preferably within a week).
In case of any difficulty Shri Davinder Kumar, Technical Director (NlC), CPAO may be contacted at 011-26175099 and e-mail address at
(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Offcer (IT & Tech)