The following issues are placed in the Resolutions to be adopted.
- On behalf of all the Pensioners/Family Pensioners we humbly convey our Gratitude for considering the Right to Health. Thank the GOI-MOH-F(W) at the helm of affairs for opening New CGHS Wellness Centres at Visakhapatnam, Guwahathi and elsewhere . We had all the praise for the GOI in totality for 7th CPC Report on health aspects for approvals. We pray for merger of all other Postal Dispensaries into CGHS fold as early as is possible.
- We are also thankful to raise FMA of Rs.1000/- p.m. recently for the health needs of Pensioners living in Non-CGHS areas.
- We also pray for grant of FMA to CGHS beneficiaries and others as well residing in CGHS and Dispensaries of areas to defray additional expenditure to meet with collection of medicines, consultations with Specialists, undergoing monthly / periodical medical check ups etc.
- We are, further, thankful to allow Indoor Hospital treatment for all pensioners not covered by CS (MA) Rules 1944. These are to be amended with existing facilities provided by the GOI.
- We also request for separate monthly contribution fee for getting CGHS benefits separately for Indoor and Medical Treatment instead of entire monthly FMA to forego before joining the CGHS.
- Request allow 50% of Pay as Pension sanctioned in 6th CPC implementations for All Pensioners & 30% for Family Pensioners at par with Pensioners retired on superannuation with 10 years qualifying service for 20 years those Pensioners retired voluntarily as per the Court Orders ( GOI., DP&PW OM No.38/49/2016-P&PW (A) (ii) dated 04.08.2016 ) for the period from 1.1.2006 to 31.12.2015. Further the Govt. have allowed 50% for all from 1.1.2016 as in 7th CPC implementation orders 12-05-2017. Thus equality may be maintained without any dissolution leaving aside the importance given to Modified Parity earlier.
- Request anomalous 7th CPC Pay Matrix so far as Level 8 in consideration for revision of whole matrix table in as much as starting pay element is incorrect. The minimum of 6th CPC pay-in-band in PB-2 is Rs.18750 for 5th CPC (S-14) pay of Rs.7500 multiplied by 1.86+ GP Rs.4800. But the starting pay is found taken as Rs.18150 with Rs.600 less. Entire corresponding column down the table got affected causing drop in pension for all the Pensioners and Family Pensioners. This may also be revised accordingly in a correct way as was done in some other cadres after the issue of implementation orders.
- Request to regularise all the adhoc appointments made so far in all cadres for execution in the interests of services to function in the absence of delayed DPCs. Large No. of Pensioners are affected by DROP in their monthly pension entitlements with recurring further loss in respective Family Pension. A thorough review may kindly order in all the departments to restore confidence.
- All the Pre-1996 pensioners who retired from service while drawing large number of 4th CPC scales of pay are still being affected in their respective monthly pension amounts even in 7th CPC concordance tables of Pay Matrix by following wrong Annexure of Pension Ministry O.M. dated 28.1.2013 issued while implementation of 6th CPC process. Many CATs and Appex Court also did not approve the down gradation of posts at any stage and reiterated the dictum – equal pay for equal work. Thankfully the GOI have also rightly and recently declared its view and ordered that there should not be any down gradation of posts while clarifying in Point No.6 in an Annexure-II of Extra Ordinary Gazette Resolution vide G.I., M.F., No.1-2/2016-IC dated 25.07.2016. The concordance table No.28 ( related to 5th CPC scale Rs.7500-250-12000 ) for reference. The Basic Pay drawn by all Gazetted Officers from 01.01.1986 to 31.12.1995 (4th CPC scales) is kept blank as could be seen from all other tables. The scales drawn earlier are shown some where else against a non-gazetted post. The infamous annexure to OM dated 28.1.2013 may not be a valid document and be withdrawn immediately without any hesitation. This Annexure has inflicted in lesser pension and family pension downwardly. Concerned Heads of Departments only are competent to decide which scale relate to which cadre while equating large number of scales (85 in 4th CPC to 33 in 5th CPC) into less number. Request for equal pension and family pension for all cadres as declared upon.
- Request for a review of Concordance Tables with Grade Pay of Rs.5400, Rs.4800 and Rs.4200. These relate to - Superintendents – Asst. Superintendents & Inspectors cadres - in the Department of Posts in 7th CPC regime. Postal Pensioners are thankful for 7th CPC and also the Govt. for approving POPA-BPS proposals made in the discussions held with Chairman and also at Hyderabad Visit made on 19.11.2014 reiterating for equal Grade Pay of Rs.5400 for Superintendents in PSS Group B and Group A (Junior) cadres for holding similar duties and responsibilities attached to the post of Superintendents and Senior Superintendents. The GOI by Gazetted Extra-ordinary Notification dated 25th July 2016 under PART-C (upgraded levels for certain posts in Ministries, Departments & Union Territories approved in Sl.Nos.3 to 5 (Inspector (Postal) Assistant Superintendents and Superintendents posts in Department of Posts from 01.01.2016. The 7th CPC implementation has to be done according to Pay of Post prescribed from 01.01.2016 against all the related posts listed in the concerned Unit by GOI Notification. It is now to follow the same rates of Pay as per the Grade Pay without any minimum service limits or dates of implementation since the date of implementation as on 01.01.2016. This may kindly be concerned early with suitable amendments to related Concordance Tables.
- Request approve Pension Outside In Net Tax (POINT). Salaried Citizens alone are found with documentary proof to levy Income Tax. Kindly exempt Pensioners. We also strengthen the Central Revenue as Pensioners and Family Pensioners do come under the Senior Citizens for National Progress economically along with other general members of public. Any other Novel Fund creation process along with general public we adopt instead of cumbersome Income Tax.
- We, the pensioners as a whole appreciate and convey our Gratitude for accepting 7th CPC para 5.1.44 for MACP continue to be administered in Govt. Resolution in Notification dated 25th July 2016 in Annexure – II. Prior to this, Time Bound Promotions (TBOPand BCR) were also there and implemented in trial and error methods. In this process, Retd. Postmasters in HSG.Grade II & I are suffering from Drop-In Pension (DIP) without getting their normal promotions before retirement. Some Postmasters officiated in HSG-I in a few years were not given higher on the plea that the minimum service in promotional post was not put up without giving any show cause notice for such drastic action hitting their economy. The implementation date of 1.9.2008 did hit their promotions when the scheme was there even before 1.1.2006 but by giving effect from 1.9.2008. As such natural justice demands that the scheme be given effect from 1.1.2006 and the pension entitlements of those affected by insisting minimum service changing the nomenclature of that post they held while in service. The service so put up was not at all concerned. Resolve to ponder over for a review.
- In the Department of Posts, a large number of E.D. / G.D.S. Agents were called as Part-time staff. Literally it is so, but their duties were fixed for 5 years a day and they had to spend very much time of working day. After termination from service, they are paid with a meagre Severance Gratuity only and at present besides Annuity Bonds from out of the meagre savings they had. Since these are not commensurate with cost of living, they are praying for Monthly Pension at par with departmental staff. One ED Agent after getting promotion as Group D had to retire without pension as he put up a qualifying service of 9 Yrs 03 months 29 days which fell short of required 7 months to justify pension. He filed a case in CAT Madras vide O.A.1264 in 2002. On an Appeal it was confirmed by High Court, Chennai in WP No.45465 of 2007 dated 4.10.2007. SLP filed by DOP was also dismissed by Appex Court in case No. CC 13829 of 2008 dated 17.10.2008. The DOP has also examined the case in detail for formulating a scheme but not found feasible under Rule 49 of CCS (Pension) Rules without putting a minimum of 10 years of qualifying service in the year 2013 ( Lr.No.EST/GDS/Rlgs/09 dated 04.11.2013 ) and treating that there was no scope for GDS (EDA) Service for others towards regular employment enabling them to make up short fall. It is to ponder over keeping in view of the financial constraints of family members, a minimum monthly consolidated pension as in the case of EPS-95 service personnel for their living with both ends to meet may be granted.
- Rule 10 (1-B) CCS (TS) Rules 1965 permits Temporary Govt. Servants with 20 years of service are qualified for Voluntary Retirement benefits and get pensioner benefits. The 20 years was in vogue when 33 years of qualifying service for full pension. The minimum service required for VR has to be reduced to 13 years or 10 years of justifying grant of pensioner benefits. Family Pension is also assured for 1 year service. Such being the case, Terminal Gratuity or Severance Amount only is granted for Departmental and other EDAs/GDAs. Discussion was made in Sl.No.9 above in which Appex Court directed in the case of a Group D official to take short fall in qualifying service from earlier post of ED/GDS casual labour etc. A few Group C officials from long ED/GDS service function as Group D / Postman / Postal Assistant in DOP and no pension is granted if they have not put in qualifying service in a departmental post for more than 10 years. All such Group D and Group C officials after retirement on Superannuation discharged from Service without any Pension and Pensioer benefits except Terminal Gratuity which is not at all adequate to look into the welfare of themselves and family members. For all such temporary officials, and those having less than 10 years qualifying service may be granted with proportionate monthly pension on Minimum Pay of the Scale (i) 50% for Pensioners and (ii) 30% Family Pension on minimum pay though not on the basis of Last Pay Drawn before retirement. This would to some extent support the welfare of dependent family members.
A case was filed in CAT Madras in O.A.1264 of 2002. It was confirmed by High Court, Chennai in WP No.45465 of 2007 dated 4.10.2007. SLP filed by DOP was also dismissed by Appex Court in case No. CC 13829 of 2008 dated 17.10.2008. Appex Court further directed the Department to formulate a scheme for Pension making shortfall of Qualying Service from lower post in department before entering departmental post. Pensioners pray for GOI to consider the scheme in a sympathetic and benevolent gesture.