Friday, July 25, 2014


1. At present there are 30 Fitment Tables against each Scale of V CPC Scales of Pay. The Scales of Pay/Fitment Tables may be prescribed for same cadre staff those recruited from departmental quota and direct quota should be the same to minimize the No. of Scales. For instance, S-15 same scale of 5th CPC (Rs.8000-13500) was divided into (PB-2 (last) & PB-3 (first)); S-11 and S-12 (5th CPC scales Rs.6500-6900 & Rs.6500-10500); S-16 perhaps a dying cadre & S-17 Rs.9000-9550; S-18 to S-20 with equal Grade Pay of Rs.6600; Like wise those who are drawing Grade Pay of Rs.7600 into one Scale/Fitment Table.

2. PSS Group B Officers (S-14) and Group A Officers (S-15) drawing Grade pay of Rs.4800 and Rs.5400 perform their duties as in charge of Postal Divisions are having the same nature and arduous duties being appellate and appointing authorities for the subordinate staff. Both should get same Grade Pay with a slight lesser Fitment Table for S-14 to maintain the status.

3. The GP of Rs.5400 for those Officers/Pensioners held posts prior to 1.1.2006 are denied of this benefit though they have served as such while in service for more than 4 years in PSS Group B due to delays while convening the DPCs. All such pensioners may also be given the benefit of increased GP from Rs.4800 to 5400 to main equality of pension due along with the upgraded scale of Rs.8000/- pre-revised as applicable to Direct Recruits under S-15 (entry Grade). This was also favourably decided by Dept. of Posts for Post-2006 pensioners in the year 2012 by an order. (O.M. No. 45-25/2011-Pension dated 09-07-2012 from the GOI, MOC & IT, Dept.ofPosts, Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001 (Accordingly, on the basis of opinion tendered by the Pay Commission Cell of the Dept. of Posts and the Dept. of Pension & PW, as delineated at para 3 above, it is clarified to all concerned in this regard, that in so far as it relates to revision of Pension/family pension, as envisaged in the Department of Pension &PW OM.dated 14.10.2008, for being applicable to the JTS Group ‘A’ Pre-2006 Retirees of the Department of Posts is concerned, the corresponding replacement scale of the Rs.15600-39100 in PB-3 (not being an upgraded scale) as given at Sl.No.17 of Concordance Table annexed to their OM dated 14.10.2008 ibid shall only apply. )

4. Some of the Pensioners retired from Group A Services are also suffering from drop in pension as they got late promotions by untimely convening the DPCs. Their adhoc appointments are not regularised with regular selection from S-15 (PB-2) to S-15 (Gr.A Entry Grade Pay in PB-3) Though they have drawn same Grade Pay of Rs.5400 increased Pay Band scale of Entry Grade was not given. Such cases may also be got reviewed for Revision of Pay wef 1.1.2014 after giving Notional Promotion which was actually due (as per cadre review) and taking into account the service period spent on adhoc basis.

5. With the introduction of Uniform earned increment from 1st July in every year from the year 2007 the pensioners are facing drop in pension on the plea of their in absence from service on the forenoon of 1st July. The retirement actually takes effect from 1st July itself but retirement thrust on the previous working day’s afternoon. Till such time the relevant FR is amended, GOI may redress the grievance with the recommendations of 7th CPC. CCS (RP) Rules 2008 permits increment on 1st July if the revised pay in the revised pay structure is drawn even for 6 months. Those who are retiring from 1st Janurary should also get the increment after 6 months.

6. Similarly, a few pensioners those who have retired from service wef 1.1.2006 and 1.1.1986 and 1.1.1996 are denied of their actual Pay Revision itself. This is gross injustice. This may kindly set right by taking the date of retirement which is actually due to be effected and not on the previous working day afternoon.

7. The Fitment Tables and Grade Pay should also be allowed/revised keeping into account the existing promotional avenues under 3 MACPs in every 10 years of service extended from 1.9.2008. This has resulted in getting lesser Grade Pay than the subordinate by the Officers controlling the staff (for example AAOs/Senior Accounts after getting 3rd MACP in the offices of DAP and similar Units if any).

8. The benefit of MACP should also be extended from 1.1.2006 to avoid drop in pension being faced with a recurring loss by the affected pensioners.

9. Each Department/Ministry concerned should communicate the existing scales of each cadre working along with Fitment Table/Revised Scales of Pay for proper and correct pairing of scales for justified fixation of Revised Pay as per CCS (RP) Rules 1996, 2008 and 2014 (proposed). There are lot of inaccuracies in the tables shown in the Annexure given to Pension Ministry O.M. dated 28.01.2013 for extending modified parity.

10. C.G.H.S. Unit for Visakhapatnam was notified in SCOVA also right from 2010. Twice the proposals were diverted to (1) Tiruvananthapuram and (2) Ranchi. Now that a separate State is carved out for Telangana, there is no CGHS for Andhra Pradesh. New CGHS for Visakhapatnam and AIIMS for Vijayawada are needed. This may also kindly consider by 7th CPC under Right to Health of Pensioners similarly in other non-CGHS areas.

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