Thursday, May 1, 2014


Q. No
7th CPC Questionnaire
Suggestions for Proposed Reply to 7th CPC
1. Salaries
1.1 The considerations on which the
minimum salary in case of the lowest
Group „C functionary and the maximum
salary in case of a Secretary level officer
may be determined and what should be
the reasonable ratio between the two.
1.2 What should be the considerations
for determining salary for various levels
of functions falling between the highest
level and the lowest level functionaries?
9:1 as already decided Operations, Executions, Speedy Monitoring, Quick
Decision Making, Delivering Goods in Best Manner, Honesty & Integrity, Providing Welfare Measurers, Right to Health, Pension, Property, e-Governance, Prompt
Settlement of Grievances, Managerial Methods, Teaching Capacity, accomplishment of Targets, Welfare of
Subordinates, Counselling all Levels of hierarchy, Dignified Living while in service and after retirement.
2. Comparisons
2.1 Should there be any
comparison/parity between pay scales
and perquisites between Government and
the private sector? If so, why? If not, why not?
This comparison should be equal in respect of Lower and Higher Hierarchy since Livelihood will be same. Perks can be provided for Higher Level to retain their
Talent to the minimum extent as is required without very much gap.

2.2 Should there at all be any
comparison/parity between pay scales
and perquisites between Government and
the public sector? If so, why? If not, why not?
Repeated as above

2.3 The concept of variable pay has been
introduced in Central Public Sector
Enterprises by the Second Pay Revision
Committee. In the case of the
Government is there merit in introducing
a variable component of pay? Can such
variable pay be linked to performance?
Employees Associations / Unions as suggest
3. Attracting Talent
3.1 Does the present compensation
package attract suitable talent in the All
India Services & Group A Services? What
are your observations and suggestions in
this regard?

All India Services Associations to Respond

3.2 To what extent should government
compensation be structured to attract
special talent?

4. Pay Scales
4.1 The 6th Central Pay Commission
introduced the system of Pay Bands and
Grade Pay as against the system of
specific pay scales attached to various
What has been the impact of running pay
bands post implementation of 6th CPC
Running Pay Band system has done away with granting One Increment in existing Cadre on promotion to Higher
Cadre. (2) The concept of giving increments making it nearest to Rs.10/- is not correct (3) The Grade Pay system with the introduction of MACP, in some cases, the controlling authority and the subordinates are drawing same rate of Grade Pay. This is not correct. (4) With this, Even the Modified parity also did not helpful to many. Fitment Tables are to be used for Refixation of Basic Pay
adding Grade Pay according to each cadre.

4.2 Is there any need to bring about any
Definitely a change must be done. For instance, the pay scale of Gazetted Officers in Class II or Group B in various Departments is not equal and varies

4.3 Did the pay bands recommended by
the Sixth CPC help in arresting exodus
and attract talent towards the
Yes to some extent

4.4 Successive Pay Commissions have
reduced the number of pay scales by
merging one or two pay scales together.
Is there a case for the number of pay
scales/ pay band to be rationalized and if
so in what manner?
Vide Para 8.72 of 4th CPC (Part I June 1986) the No. of scales from 153 to 36 were reduced (Group D scales from 17 to 3 and Group B & C scales from 89 to 18, Group A scales from 44 to 15 Scales. Existing No. of so far as each cadre Fitment Tables concerned with upgraded scales of Pay may be retained.

4.5 Is the “grade pay” concept working? If
not, what are your alternative
No. This is due to different grade pays being allowed to identical cadres in different departments of GOI. Efforts should be made to achieve Parity. No discrimination
should be made.
5. Increment
5.1 Whether the present system of
annual increment on 1st July of every
year uniformly in case of all employees
has served its purpose or not? Whether
any changes are required?
Those who are retiring on 1st July  (Large in Number ) are denied of having retired from service from the previous working day afternoon. The Bharat Pensioners Samaj has sent a proposal long back for amending the F.Rs. This should be expedited. A few Pensioners have also been denied of 6th CPCs benefits having retired on 1st Jan. This is a grave injustice that needs to be set right as the officials those who have earned increments by putting in requisite service, are denied the fruits of their labour.

5.2 What should be the reasonable
quantum of annual increment?
By Employees Associations / Unions as suggest

5.3 Whether there should be a provision
of variable increments at a rate higher
than the normal annual increment in case
of high achievers? If so, what should be
transparent and objective parameters to
assess high achievement, which could be
uniformly applied across Central
-do- as above against 5.2 This is a good proposal. Good achievers must be rewarded handsomely as proposed by Service Associations/Unions.

5.4 Under the MACP scheme three
financial up-gradations are allowed on
completion of 10, 20, 30 years of regular
service, counted from the direct entry
grade. What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the scheme? Is there a
perception that a scheme of this nature,
in some Departments, actually
incentivizes people who do not wish to
take the more arduous route of qualifying
departmental examinations/ or those
obtaining professional degrees?
Does not concern to Pensioners
What kind of incentives would you
suggest to recognize and reward good
As at 5.4
7. Impact on other organizations
Salary structures in the Central and State
Governments are broadly similar. The
recommendations of the Pay Commission
are likely to lead to similar demands from
employees of State Governments,
municipal bodies, panchayati raj
institutions & autonomous institutions.
To what extent should their paying
capacity be considered in devising a
reasonable remuneration package for
Central Govt. employees?
As it is, most of the State Governments are allowing C.G. Scales, while some of the State Govts like A.P. are allowing much improved and higher pay scales. If C.G. scales are allowed, there will be no adverse impact on financial aspects. The Paying Capacity of State Governments and Public Bodies may be left to those organisations. To retain the Talent only one should take into these for Central Government Organisations. Moreover, State Govt. Pay Bodies are being appointed in every 5 years while it is Not so with the Central Government. The Central Govt. also should allow the Revision of Pay Scales in every 5 years in as much as the Central Govt. Pay Scales /Salaries / Pensions / Family Pensions are found to be LESS THAN what the Central Government is affording taking into economical viability. Reasonable and much Higher remuneration package is needed for Central Govt. organisations.
8. Defence Forces
8.1 What should be the considerations for
fixing salary in case of Defence personnel
and in what manner does the parity with
civil services need to be evolved, keeping
in view their respective job profiles?
Both the Defence Forces & Civilian-defence Forces should have same salary structure. However, special package may be given for Defence Forces for most and vulnerable / arduous nature of work performance. All the Welfare Measures must also be equally be extended without any discrimination.

8.2 In what manner should the
concessions and facilities, both in cash
and kind, be taken into account for
determining salary structure in case of
Defence Forces personnel.
do- as above. However, Employees Associations /Unions as suggested. It is only a suggestion

8.3 As per the November 2008 orders of
the Ministry of Defence, there are a total
of 45 types of allowances for Personnel
Below Officer Rank and 39 types of
allowances for Officers. Does a case exist
for rationalization/ streamlining of the
current variety of allowances?
As reported by the concerned Defence Establishments

8.4 What are the options available for
addressing the increasing expenditure on
defence pensions?
Does not relate to Associations

8.5 As a measure of special recognition,
is there a case to review the present
benefits provided to war widows?
Better Benefits under Welfare may be provided in the case of War Widows.

8.6 As a measure of special recognition,
is there a case to review the present
benefits provided to disabled soldiers,
commensurate to the nature of their

Defence / Civilian Pensioners Association as suggest
9. Allowances
9.1 Whether the existing allowances need
to be retained or rationalized in such a
manner as to ensure that salary structure
takes care not only of the job profile but
the situational factors as well, so that the number of allowances could be at a
realistic level?
Allowances need to be rationalised realistically duly taking into account all other important factors. It should always be realistic looking into the cost of living and not necessarily on financial constraints. By looking into paying capacity, the Supervisory/Executive Personnel and above were given less wages which resulted now in getting drop in pension when their same cadre pensioners now getting higher rates of pension. Earlier Pay Commission have inflicted financial crunch.
7th CPC should set right the misery.

9.2 What should be the principles to
determine payment of House Rent
Pension should also be supplemented with H.R.A. for Pensioners since many of the Pensioners/Family Pensioners may not have earning children to have some shelter. Suitable HRA to some extent be given.
10. Pension
10.1 The retirement benefits of all Central
Government employees appointed on or
after 1.1.2004 a re covered by the New
Pension Scheme (NPS). What has been
the experience of the NPS in the last
As suggested by Secretary General B.P.S.

10.2 As far as pre-1.1.2004 appointees are
concerned, what should be the principles
that govern the structure of pension and
other retirement benefits?
As suggested by the Secretary General BPS. It is additionally suggested that a 25% increase of proposed pension be allowed (especially Pre-1996 pensioners who are surviving) having undergone Drop In Pension during the periods of 2nd 3rd and 4th CPC recommendations to compensate the loss of pension (Points circulated by POPA in Managing Committee held on 23.2.2014) Modified Parity with Minimum of the  Revised Pay causing great loss. Revised Basic Pay at the Minimum will never be fixed for Employees unless utmost fitment is given. Only new recruits will be in Minimum Pay. Last Pay Drawn being the Emoluments under FR 33 should be the criteria for Revision of Basic/Revised Pension and NOT with reference to existing Pension. This will end Junior getting Higher Pension than Senior by comparing length of service.
11. Strengthening the public governance
11.1 The 6th CPC recommended
upgrading the skills of the Group D
employees and placing them in Group C
over a period of time. What has been the
experience in this regard?
Employees Associations / Unions as suggest

11.2 In what way can Central Government
organizations functioning be improved to
make them more efficient, accountable
and responsible? Please give specific
suggestions with respect to:
a) Rationalisation of staff strength and
more productive deployment of available
b) Rationalisation of processes and
reduction of paper work; and
c) Economy in expenditure.
Constant revision of establishment, redeployment of posts as per the need whether shot-gap or on regular basis of positions held. Reduction of Paper work only will hasten the efficiency and transparency with better e-Governance. Service before Self must be the motto for good governance. Economy is for Self. How can it be conjoined one should ponder over
12. Training/ building competence
12.1 How would you interpret the concept
of “competency based framework”?
Employees Associations / Unions as suggest

12.2 One of the terms of reference
suggests that the Commission recommend appropriate training and capacity building through a competency based framework.

a) Is the present level of training at
various stages of a person's career
considered adequate? Are there gaps that
need to be filled, and if so, where? b)
Should it be made compulsory that each
civil service officer should in his career
span acquire a professional qualification?
If so, can the nature of the study, time
intervals and the Institution(s) whose
qualification are acceptable, all be
stipulated? c) What other indicators can
best measure training and capacity
building for personnel in your
organization? Please suggest ways
through which capacity building can be
further strengthened?

Relates to Organisational Heads
13. Outsourcing
13.1 What has been the experience of
outsourcing at various levels of
Government and is there a case for
streamlining it?

13.2 Is there a clear identification of jobs
that can be outsourced?

Same as above
14. Regulatory Bodies
14.1 Kindly list out the Regulators set up
under Acts of Parliament, related to your
Ministry/ Department. The total number of
personnel on rolls (Chairperson and
members + support personnel) may be

14.2 Regulators that may not qualify in
terms of being set up under Acts of
Parliament but perform regulatory
functions may also be listed. The scale of
pay for Chairperson /Members and other
personnel of such bodies may be indicated

14.3 Across the Government there are a
host of Regulatory bodies set up for
various purposes. What are your
suggestions regarding emoluments
structure for Regulatory bodies
Heads of Departments
15. Payment of Bonus
One of the terms of reference of the 7th
Pay Commission is to examine the
existing schemes of payment of bonus.
What are your suggestions and
observations in this regard?
Bonus is in the case of ex-gratia. Same benefit may also
be extended to Pensioners

 Proposed by: Chandramowli Mullapudi
Designation: Secretary, Postal Officers Pensioners Association, Hyderabad & Secretary BPS Delhi
Address: Quarter No.M-23 P&T Quarters, Ashoknagar, Musheerabad P.O., Hyderabad 500 020
Contact No: 9441072434 Land Line 040-2400 2244

Email ID: and

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